How this website works

tl;dr - This website uses Skebuss open data available at via the GTFS Sverige 2 API.

  1. Skebuss export their open public transport data to Samtrafiken.
  2. Samtrafiken publishes open public transport data at
  3. Trafiklab is Samtrafiken's platform for open public transport data. Where third-party developers can build new services for Swedish public transport (such as this site).
  4. This site uses the GTFS Sverige 2 API at to fetch all bus stop and departure data for Skebuss.

Read more

Wikipedia - Open data

Google - GTFS Static Overview

Google - GTFS Reference

Trafiklab - Using GTFS Files

Trafiklab - GTFS Sverige 2

This site is not affiliated with Skellefteå Buss


For official information go to